Is Google Workspace (G Suite) secure?

You can rely on Google to store your data securely but it’s important you take security into your own hands as well.

Here are some tips for keeping your data safe

🔒 Setup 2 Step Verification NOW

“I’ll do it next week, or when IT asks me to”. These days it simply isn't enough to only have a password. Two-step verification adds an extra layer of security onto your account, where you need to prove it is you logging in.

Here are some examples of how it works

  • Google prompt - get a prompt to your phone each time you log in and simply tap ‘Yes’ to confirm it’s you

  • Google Authenticator - an app that produces codes you can use to verify it’s you logging in

  • Security Key - Google highly recommends this as it is the most secure 2SV option (it’s the only 2SV option Google use internally and haven’t yet been phished)

note: make sure you have a backup option set too.

By enabling this feature you are significantly reducing your chance of being hacked.


🔒 Restrict your files so they can’t be shared, printed or copied

In Google Drive, you can:

  • Prevent editors from changing access and adding new people (if you are the owner)

  • Disable options to download, print and copy for commenters and viewers

🔒 Set up a controlled Shared Drive for sensitive data

A Shared Drive can be set up for internal use and have restrictions put in place to reduce the risk of the data being shared or copied.

There are 3 settings you can restrict:

  • Sharing outside the organisation

  • Sharing with non-members

  • Download, copy and print

These settings can be customised by anyone with ‘Manager’ access to the Shared Drive.

🔒 Use confidential mode in Gmail

Sending sensitive information in an email? You can switch on Confidential mode, where recipients won’t be able to forward, copy, print or download the email.

If anyone ever told you Google Workspace isn’t secure, send them this post!

If you would like to chat more about this topic or arrange a training session for your team get in touch ⬇️👩🏻‍🏫


Lopez, Napier. “Google data shows 2-factor authentication blocks 100% of automated bot hacks.” The Next Web, 19 May 2019, Accessed 02 October 2020.
