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How to Schedule a Meeting from Gmail

You don't have to leave Gmail to schedule a meeting. You can save time by sending suggested meeting slot times to colleagues straight from your inbox using 'Set up a time to meet'.

Step 1 - in Gmail compose a new email or reply to an existing email that includes the people you would like to meet with.

Step 2 - Click the calendar icon at the bottom of the message window and click 'Offer times that you're free'.

New message window in Gmail, with the calendar icon from the bottom clicked

Step 3 - A Calendar pane will open to the right with your schedule and you can select multiple slots that work for you.

Calendar pane in Gmail

Step 4 - Click 'Next' and add details to your meeting; the title, duration and description. Then click 'Add to email'.

the calendar pane in gmail showing a meeting being scheduled

Step 5 - The proposed times will be added to your message and will be ready to send.

an email in gmail showing a proposed time option

Step 6 - Your recipients will select the time that works with their schedule and 'Confirm'.

Confirmation screen for a proposed meeting from gmail
Event confirmed screen for a meeting in gmail

The meeting is now scheduled!

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